NCG Celebrates EdTech Provider Partnerships at EdTech Summit
NCG welcomed EdTech Provider partners to its headquarters in Newcastle last week as it hosted its first Ed Tech Summit.
Guests including Jisc, ClickView and Metaverse Learning ran sessions for staff and students from across NCG, demonstrating how their technology can be easily embedded into teaching and learning practices.
Staff and students from four of NCG’s colleges (Carlisle College, West Lancashire College, Newcastle College and Newcastle Sixth Form College) gathered to hear first-hand about the benefits of the partnerships and to find out more about the resources they can access.
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NCG Celebrates EdTech Provider Partnerships at EdTech Summit
NCG welcomed EdTech Provider partners to its headquarters in Newcastle last week as it hosted its first Ed Tech Summit. Guests including Jisc, ClickView and Metaverse Learning ran sessions for staff and students from across NCG, demonstrating how their technology can be easily embedded into teaching and learning practices. Staff and students from four of NCG’s colleges (Carlisle College, West Lancashire College, Newcastle College and Newcastle Sixth Form College) gathered to hear first-hand about the benefits of the partnerships and to find out more about the resources they can access. Read more: