Lord Shipley Delivers Presentation to Newcastle College Policing, Law and Criminology Students
As part of the Government initiative “Learn with the Lords”, Lord Shipley visited Newcastle College on Friday 3 February to deliver a presentation about the role, membership and functions of the House of Lords to first and second-year students studying Policing, Law and Criminology.
Lord Shipley Delivers Presentation to Newcastle College Policing, Law and Criminology Students
As part of the Government initiative “Learn with the Lords”, Lord Shipley visited Newcastle College on Friday 3 February to deliver a presentation about the role, membership and functions of the House of Lords to first and second-year students studying Policing, Law and Criminology. https://www.ncl-coll.ac.uk/news/lord-shipley-delivers-presentation-to-newcastle-college-policing-law-and-criminology-students/